
海角社区 College

Tumuaki update 31 May

Talofa Lava

This week is Samoan Language week – the theme is ‘Mitamita i lau gagana, maua’a lou fa’asinomaga’ which means ‘Be proud of your language and grounded in your identity’ – something we want to ensure for all our rangatahi here at 海角社区 College.  We started the week with a flag raising ceremony and a fantastic presentation to our staff by members of our Year 9 Talanoa Ako class – malo lava!  We also have a range of activities planned during Mentor time and breaks this week…  Students are also invited to wear formal Samoan dress on Friday as part of the celebrations. 

Strike Action

Sadly, I also need to let you know that strike action by members of the PPTA union has resumed as of this morning. This means that rostering home of certain year levels will begin again tomorrow and continue into Week 7 as listed below:



Year Level

Week 6

Thursday 1 June

Year 12

Week 7

Tuesday 6 June

Year 10

Thursday 8 June

Year 9

I know you will be as disappointed at this as we are as we know the disruption that this will cause.  Again, our hope is that the Ministry of Education and PPTA can come to an agreement as soon as possible so we can resume normal classes each week.

King’s Birthday

A reminder that this weekend is King’s birthday weekend and there is a public holiday on Monday 5 June, so school will be closed on this day.

T艒f膩 soifua


Get in touch

Office hours

8:30am - 3.20pm Monday - Friday
New Zealand Time GMT+12

Physical address

32 海角社区 Drive
Pakuranga, Auckland 2010, New Zealand